Site icon Nathan A. Perez

Kirkus Reviews

A straight-talking, highly supportive networking manual.

A quick, concentrated how-to guide designed to maximize the efficiency of job searches. Management consultants and debut authors Perez and Ballinger aim to help unemployed people crack the mysteries of “the invisible job market,” which consists of job openings that aren’t publicly announced. Companies fill these quietly and internally, they say, through private recommendations or referrals: “a whopping 70% of all jobs are obtained through people you know!” Hence the overwhelming importance of networking, which the authors say is “more than important. It is vital. It is the lifeblood of your job search and, in the big picture, your career.” As the book’s title indicates, one of the key elements of successful networking is brevity, and Perez and Ballinger lay out strategies to help job seekers streamline their approaches. Read More…

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